Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Children need eye exams , Signs that your child have a vision problem

Children need regular eye exams

Of children between the ages of 5 and 12, one in four suffer from an undiagnosed vision problem that affects their educational performance. Since children often have no way of knowing if their vision is poor, it is much harder to detect the problem. It is recommended that all children have their eyes examined at age four. If there is a family history of eye conditions, it is recommend that their eyes be examined by the age of three. Early detection is the key to good vision—vision problems often respond favorably during the growth and development of a child's visual system.

Signs that your child may have a vision problem

  • Squinting, rubbing, or blinking the eyes a lot
  • Having trouble seeing the blackboard at school
  • Using a finger as a place mark when reading
  • Holding head at an awkward angle when reading
  • Closing or covering one eye to focus
  • Holding reading materials close to face
  • Having red or crusty eyes

How to decrease the symptoms of dry eyes :

- Eat more fish, esp those high in omega 3's (salmon, shrimp or tuna)
-Adjust ceiling fans and air conditioners away from you
-Use rewetting eye drops during air travel
-Control your allergies
-Take breaks during computer use and time spent reading
-Drink more water (3 - 6 glasses per day )
-Drink less Caffeine ( 4 cups max )
-stop smoking and / or remove yourself from smoky environments
-Use visine type of antihistamine only with a docto's order
-Wear sunglasses while outside
-ask your eye doctor for advice if problem persist .